Dishwasher safe (top rack only).
Please note: This is NOT a teether. These pacifiers are strictly for soothing ONLY.

Hi, I’m Summer founder of The Dearest Grey! Everyones story starts some where and I’m here to tell you mine all started in hopes to bring a modern twist to baby products. Here at The Dearest Grey we take safety very seriously. We have all of our products put through a serious of testing done by a government approved facility (CPSC). Our colors are hand chosen to provide a unique style. Our products are also super functional and perfect for on the go. We also pride ourselves on our customer service. Check us out on Instagram! @thedearestgrey

We love love love this product! It’s the first one we’ve purchased but my second daughter (who is 15months) had never taken a pacifier, and always sucked her thumb... we offered this to her instead and she has taken amazing to at as a transition tool from thumb sucking! Plus it’s super cute!
Love the color of these pacifiers. I have always had the natural rubber from the other brand and liked them, but the silicone alternative is better in my opinion. The rubber always seemed to get tacky when dry and was harder to clean. I also appreciate that the silicone is pretty close to the same softness as natural rubber and not a stiff nipple like other brands.
Our son's favorite. Shipped quicker than we thought they would.
Love love love these pacifiers! Great quality and cute color!
Literally the only pacifier my newborn will take!
Rating this 4 stars because my baby isn’t here yet to try it out. However from what I can see and feel these are definitely worth the money! It is soft but you can tell it is durable. Not to mention how cute they are! I’m really excited and happy with my purchase.
The design is so sleek and I love that it is 100% silicone instead of rubber like some others. The color is beautiful and my baby took it with no issues. We’re converted!
Finally a paci that my newborn is interested in!
I purchased this hoping it would help soothe my daughter, she unfortunately didn’t take it but I did like the design and material the pacifier is made out of.
I absolutely love these pacifiers. My newborn wouldn't keep the hospital supplied pacifiers in his mouth but these stay. Fast forward 3 months and this is still the only pacifier he will keep ahold of.
Oh my goodness these pacifiers are absolutely amazing! It is just so clean looking 😍